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May 10, 2002

Weather tales

I was browsing somewhere and saw a story about tornadoes in the author's neighborhood. It reminded me of Hurricane Iniki. Thought I'd see if there were any mentions of it on the web, and lo and behold: Google found 3,400 hits (although most were almost surely for "hurricane" as opposed to "Iniki." Here's the first one that came up.

A neighbor called me at 0500 to tell me the Civil Defense sirens had sounded (didn't hear 'em), and the remainder of the day was a tad full. Frantic phone calls from parents on Maui--check (three or four times); orchid plants hanging from trees--check; deck furniture under house--check; windows taped--check; neighbor arrives from next door for company (with two cats in carriers)--check; friends arrive from airport, since they can't fly private plane home to Kauai--check. Sit and wait--check.

Winds never get higher than about 65mph in this part of Oahu. Greatly relieved.

How about y'all?

Posted by Linkmeister at May 10, 2002 03:57 PM


Posted by Ryan on May 10, 2002 8:12 PM:

Honolulu dodged a bullet (again) with Iniki, while poor Kaua`i was hammered. I've maintained since well before then that O`ahu is mired in complacency and an unwarranted sense security, and will be completely lost when - not if - a major hurricane rips through the island.

We are well overdue for a hurricane - big or small - too. I wonder when the next one will hit, and I think I've found the best indicator: When our legislators ultimately raid the Emergency Hurricane Fund. It would be only fitting.

Posted by Stella on May 11, 2002 9:53 AM:

I once had a thread (which I later deleted) about the inevitable El Nino comeback in the Pacific. I first heard about it in the Advertiser after some UH scientists determined its presence, but a few news outlets have been picking up the story in the last few days.

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