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December 29, 2002

Junk email

For the heck of it any junk email that I have been recieving goes into another folder (and it is not trash). Once in awhile I scan the subject headers to see what it is all about.

While the month is not over I managed to get over 700 emails, ranging stuff from half price steaks from Omaha (with free 12 burgers), eat pizza and lose weight, mini RC cars, getting paid to take surveys and winning free lobsters.

Of course the usual offers to increase one's male sex organ, nude pictures and other stuff.

The one I hate is those emails where the body says:

This is a result of your feedback form which was submitted by x@y.z

Posted by Helen at December 29, 2002 10:20 AM


Posted by Linkmeister on December 29, 2002 12:31 PM:

The feedback thing annoys me too. I got the Mini RC cars (lots), but the ones that really ticked me off were the Kinkade figurines (I don't think much of Kinkade's art--derivative as the devil) and the Pasta Pot.

Posted by Vivi on December 29, 2002 2:55 PM:

For some reason, I keep getting spam asking if I have access to something called a "Dimensional Warp Generator." It's not my fault my email addy almost sounds like "villain"... ::sheesh::

That's probably the strangest spam I get. This irks me a lot more than the porn spam for some reason...

Posted by helen on December 29, 2002 3:49 PM:

Yeah I got one of those Dimensional Warp Generator email messages too.

And then there are those messages from KaplanCollege.

Posted by Ryan on December 30, 2002 6:41 AM:

I get a lot of barnyard stuff. I'm glad I use a terminal to scan my e-mail and not something that displays HTML e-mail automatically. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to sleep that night.

How about Mohamed Abacha, son of General Sani Abacha of the Nigerian army?

Posted by Haken on December 30, 2002 10:28 PM:

Every now and then I get one that originates out of Korea touting the benefits of this special blend of herbal extracts that'll increase "ejaculation" by 600%. I'm sure they must have gotten the English translation wrong and meant "erection."

Seriously, that's a lot of fluid. Then again, I don't know about increasing in size by 600% either. Somehow I just can't imagine that being physically right.

Happy New Year!

Posted by helen on January 4, 2003 1:27 PM:

Had an interesting email today to my work account. They wanted to promote one of our web sites at work. Trouble is we retired the web site and the computer that went with it in July.

Posted by helen on January 12, 2003 9:50 AM:

I also hate those emails that have the subject header start with 'Re:' in them, trying to trick you into believing that you initially sent the message and they are trying to respond to it. Had a couple of messages today that had that and with 'Your Ebay Ad #14578875'.

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