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January 01, 2003

The Two Towers

Saw The Two Towers at Ward tonight.

To be honest I never read the books but I have seen the first movie The Fellowship of the Ring last year. I think what I should have done was to see the first movie on DVD and then head off to see this movie in the theatre.

It wasn't that crowded at Ward but then it was New Years Day.

Posted by Helen at January 01, 2003 10:40 PM


Posted by Ryan on January 2, 2003 9:15 AM:

I've definitely heard that a re-viewing of "Fellowship of the Rings" is helpful before taking in "The Two Towers." It was a hard-won battle by Jackson to not include a "catch up" intro to the film (i.e. "When we last saw our adventurers...").

I also read that this film diverges quite a bit from the book - much moreso than the first movie. On many a web board, Tolkien fans are going ballistic.

So what did you think, Helen? I can't believe you waited until this week to see it! My brother was one of the 'midnight premiere' maniacs... and has seen it twice since.

My wife, Jen, was also aching to see it (for reasons that need no explanation), so she took it in this past weekend. She liked it... but definitely appreciated my brother's explanation of some of the plot.

Posted by Linkmeister on January 2, 2003 2:38 PM:

I haven't seen it yet, but I'll bet I've read the books about 20 times since 1967 when Ballantine first published them in paperback. A friend and I were so into it we used to leave messages for each other in runes on blackboards in HS.

I don't see how Jackson could have avoided changing some things; after all, it's the second part of a trilogy, so it serves as a bridge to the finale, and it definitely drags in book 4 when it's mostly just Frodo and Sam making their lonely way to Mordor. I gather that Gollum is an amazing construct. Hopefully I can see it within the week.

Posted by helen on January 2, 2003 8:07 PM:

I am not fan of the Lord of the Ring books or the movies but I did play D&D in college.

The movie was okay, I had the assumption that maybe they would at least spend a minute or two in flashbacks or during the starting credits about what happen in the first movie.

I went with a friend last night to this movie who never saw the first movie but did read the books a long time ago. He had no problem with the movie but he was kind of wondering how come the humans didn't use boiling oil or water against the orcs when they stormed the keep.

Posted by Vivi on January 3, 2003 9:01 AM:

I haven't read the books in a couple of years, just to clear my mind of any misconceptions I might have had before I watched Peter Jackson's versions. I did enjoy the movie, as evidenced by my "review". I was just still in shock that they had gotten Treebeard right.

Jackson has made an amazing adaptation of the books, and that's all they will ever be. An adaptation. Of course, there are things I would have done differently if I were making the film. But I'm not a professional film-maker.

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