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March 12, 2003

I know there's an English equivalent ...

... but I just can't think of it. Any ideas?

"makes against bad luck good heart (horrible literal translation. What
is the saying in English ????):"

Posted by Albert at March 12, 2003 11:26 AM


Posted by Blaine on March 12, 2003 3:25 PM:

Mebbe this one?

"The remedy against bad times is to have patience with them." - Arabic

Posted by Ryan on March 13, 2003 6:16 AM:

Um. What was the original language? And I suppose the more fluid translation would be, "A good heart makes (against) bad luck"?

Since it's not English, stuff like Bartlett's won't help much.

Posted by Albert on March 13, 2003 7:04 AM:

The original was in French.

My friend checked the entries here and she said about Blaine's suggestion: "I looked and saw someone came up with an Arabic proverb. Nearly the same meaning, but not quite. In French, it is not only patience, it is
having or pretending to have a positive view of the situation, or at least making fun of it."

Things like Pollyanna come to mind or look for the silver lining or courage in the face of adversity, etc., but I can't think of one with "heart" in it.

Posted by Michael J Wise on March 13, 2003 2:06 PM:

When Life hands you lemons,
Make Lemonade!

Posted by Albert on March 14, 2003 7:16 AM:

"The "heart" in the bad luck etc. French saying seems closer to the old meaning of "heart", that is, "courage". (the famous - for us - "Rodrigue, as-tu du coeur ?" in Le Cid, Corneille's play, doesn't mean that Le Cid's father is wondering whether Rodrigue's heart is in working order, but if he is ready to fight to defend their name).

The "lemonade" answer is not so far... Thank your Hawaiian friends for me."

Posted by NemesisVex on March 15, 2003 8:02 PM:

Or if you're Martha Stewart on a K-Mart commercial, make lemon merangue (sp?) risotto.

(I was about to spell it "merengue", when I realized that's a form of Latin dance. I watch too much television, don't I?)

Posted by mitchell on March 16, 2003 12:19 PM:

lemon meringue.

"If life hands you crap, make crapade." (I read this quote in Entertainment Weekly. It was on one of the sitcoms I don't watch, but what a hilarious line!)

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