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April 24, 2003

Merrie Monarch 2003

So, anybody watching? Tonight is the Miss Aloha Hula contest, to be followed tomorrow by the 'auana (modern kine) and Saturday by the kahiko (old kine).

Posted by Scarlett at April 24, 2003 08:58 PM


Posted by lisa on April 24, 2003 10:37 PM:

I managed to catch a bit of it tonight in Hawaiian Language class.

Is anyone taping it, and if so is there a way I can get copies? I promised my best friend on the mainland I'd send her tapes.

Posted by lisa on April 24, 2003 10:37 PM:

I managed to catch a bit of it tonight in Hawaiian Language class.

Is anyone taping it, and if so is there a way I can get copies? I promised my best friend on the mainland I'd send her tapes.

Posted by raevyn808 on April 25, 2003 1:01 AM:

I think that someone produces VHS copies of the program 'cause I've seen them for sale at Waldenbooks and other local video stores. In the meantime you should tell your friend to watch the live broadcast via KITV .

Interestingly, someone has the Merrie Monarch Festival Preview insert from the sunday Hawaii Tribune Herald up on eBay...for $5! The sunday HTH costs $1!

Posted by Linkmeister on April 25, 2003 9:15 AM:

It still doesn't have an official site! Surely there's a Hilo web designer willing to work pro bono for a couple of weeks a year!

Posted by Sherry on April 25, 2003 9:34 AM:

I would love to see the Merrie Monarch Festival, but with being on the mainland, none of that is available. My grandma sent us a copy of one of the festivals [probably early 90-ish] and our whole family watched in awe.

If anyone is selling it on tape, please let me know. I'd love to purchase a copy.

Posted by Jen on April 25, 2003 9:42 AM:

They do have a few on e-bay for cheap. They're most likely used, but probably not abused too badly so it's worth the money.

Posted by Glen Miyashiro on April 25, 2003 3:13 PM:

Linkmeister: sure they need a website, but a little part-time site wouldn't cut it. It'd be like the Olympics web site: sporadic hits throughout the year, and then when the event is actually running everyone who can't be in Hilo or watch on KITV will flood in to check out what's going on. You'd need some heavy duty hardware to keep it from crashing under maximum demand!

Posted by James on April 25, 2003 4:05 PM:

I watched it lastnight with my girlfriend. She dances hula and was adament about me coming over to watch it. We had gone to see a Hula Show in Waikiki a few weeks back but she said that it wasn't real Hula, it was Hula for the tourists.

She also recorded it so if anyone would like to borrow it or have a copy made just let me know. I'm sure it won't be a problem.

Posted by Linkmeister on April 25, 2003 4:17 PM:

I just meant the site design, Glenn, not the ongoing support. But you're right; it would be swamped each year, just like the Olympics.

Posted by ZZ Type on April 26, 2003 10:03 PM:

Booklines Hawaii has the 1999 and 2000 Merrie Monarch videos for sale online:



Posted by mekeke on May 19, 2003 5:51 PM:

I would like to know where i can find merrie monarch 2002-2003 tapes.Please let me know.

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