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March 29, 2002

How good?

So today is Good Friday. Is it a holiday for you or not? In either case, what do you plan to do with it?

Me? I'm not a religious person so I admit I'm not taking much time to remember the many sacrifices of Jesus. (My wife's Catholic, though, so I'm not making light, I promise.) Today, I'm working. In fact, our office pretty much takes only federal holidays, meaning the vast majority of holidays Hawaii people get, I don't. I didn't get Tuesday (Kuhio Day) off, either.

I do plan on skipping out early today, though. (Early being before 6 p.m.)

Posted by Prophet Zarquon at March 29, 2002 08:28 AM


Posted by Vivi on March 29, 2002 8:53 AM:

Ever since I graduated from Catholic high school, I never gave organized religion that much thought, really. I've become secularized. I haven't done anything for Lent either. I will, however, reflect on Good Friday and ponder out what it means to me. It's the core of Christian faith, but I'm not sure if I'm a Christian anymore.

Posted by ali on March 29, 2002 11:30 AM:

We were just discussing the holiday this morning and going in two different directions. My husband strongly feels that today is more significant than Easter. Today is when Jesus died for the sins of the world. I was wondering about the separation of church and state and why the state recognizes a Christian event but not any other religion's important events. Ironically, he has to work today but I am a County employee (albeit temporary) and I have the day off. Not doing anything special except hanging out with the kids.

Posted by Linkmeister on March 29, 2002 2:19 PM:

I was just saying to Mom that the next time somebody says "how come Hawai'i has Good Friday off for gov't employees?" I'd refer them to the NY Stock Exchange, which also takes the day off. If there were a more secular institution in the US, I'll eat it with mustard! Grins...

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