April 11, 2003
SARS Scare
I just heard on the news last night about a flight attendant who was diagnosed with SARS and had stayed in Honolulu overnight at a hotel in Waikiki. As if I wasn't frightened enough. Ever since this SARS started to take off I have had a fear that it might turn up here in Hawaii, due to the number of travelers from the Asian continent. I am seeing more and more people wearing those little paper masks which makes me uneasy and I find myself getting far away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing at the store.
I just got over being sick myself, a sinus cold from last week. And over these last two days I have had flu like symptoms. Last night was the worst, I was convinced that I had contracted SARS. But I woke up this morning feeling a whole lot better.
Is anyone else worried about SARS making it's way to the islands?
Posted by
James at April 11, 2003 10:02 AM
Posted by Ryan on April 11, 2003 10:24 AM:
I had a really bad bout with the flu this week myself. And with a brother who works in Waikiki (who was similarly stricken), I did quiz him as to whether he'd had many customers from Hong Kong!
Generally, I would say we're at greater risk, as a community, than most cities, both given our high Asian visitor rate and our island geography.
That said, I'm heartened to read most suspected cases locally haven't panned out, and that the China Airlines stewardess story, while reported with breathless urgency, ultimately adds up to nothing.
I find the U.S. reaction, compared to that of Canada, and several Asian nations, to be disturbingly mild (save for that quietly-signed Executive Order). Some say cities are overreacting, but it seems America in general is underreacting. And considering how clearly the SARS outbreak is illustrating how vulnuerable we would be to an intentional, malicious biological threat, I would have expected the exact opposite.
But, hey, we've got a statue to pull down!
Posted by Albert on April 11, 2003 3:16 PM:
Is anyone else worried about SARS making it's way to the islands?
Sounds like it's a pretty fast way to go so could be worse. And if they get one single case at IHS, there are going to be hundreds of deaths in a fairly short time, no doubt including mine.
Yes, I think our government is being a bit dense in this case, but then like Ryan said, we've had more important things to do lately like pulling down statues.
Posted by Linkmeister on April 11, 2003 3:25 PM:
Even if said statue didn't draw quite as big a crowd as the cropped photos would have the viewer believe.
Posted by aureservoir on April 12, 2003 12:31 AM:
Doctors say those masks won't protect us from SARS; best to wash hands frequently. I hate the way rumors are circulating here and in Britain about SARS-infected workers in Chinatown (not true!).
Posted by Ryan on April 12, 2003 11:57 AM:
"Some Chinatown businesses are attributing a sharp drop in customers to rumors and anxiety about SARS. Three restaurants said business is down 50 percent or more. The Glowing Dragon, a Maunakea Street restaurant, was hit by an unfounded rumor that officials had closed it."
The fact that rumors are being actively spread is just incredible to me. I mean, what's the motive? Boosting business for non-Chinese eateries? One Chinese eatery making trouble for another?
Posted by Albert on April 12, 2003 2:34 PM:
The fact that rumors are being actively spread is just incredible to me.
From all reports I've heard, we so far are incredibly fortunate here. It sounds like the situation in parts of Canada is almost on the verge of panic, and ethic-based panic.
Eventually people will have to face the fact that this is NOT a "Chinese disease" but before that happens, there might be more and more ugly stuff happening.
I hope the people of this town are smart enough to keep it from happening here ... even if we may not be able to keep the disease out.
Posted by Albert on April 12, 2003 3:22 PM:
ethnic-based that should be, although ethics certainly plays a part in this developing dram ...
Posted by Albert on April 14, 2003 2:48 PM:
One advantage to SARS-awareness. If someone plops down on the bus seat next to you that you'd rather not sit by, just give a vigorous cough. They quickly get up and move.
(I've got help from my always revived seasonal-change bronchitis, especially in the early mornings.)
Posted by kwong on April 16, 2003 10:06 AM:
Hi there, folks at home. I'm writing to you from the center of your topic, or the outbreak, Hong Kong. I live here now and people's lifestyles have definitely changed since SARS. But at this point we can only be optimistic and go on with our everyday lives. Not everyone here is wearing masks, you know, so you guys need not panic, yet. So far the cases linked to SARS are mostly hospital workers and those who have close contacts with the infected. The best prevention now is to keep your home clean and yourself healthy, and yes, wash your hands religiously. Aloha!
Posted by Linkmeister on April 18, 2003 1:52 PM:
I saw a news article somewhere (maybe Biospace) theorizing that the reason SARS hadn't taken hold in Japan was the frequent handwashing done by the Japanese, which makes some sense to me.
kwong, take care!