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May 15, 2003

We Need More Awards Shows

No, we really don't. But I'm wondering if anyone here would be interested in a Hawaii Stories version of the Weekly's Best of Honolulu (and the many, many others out there).

We could maybe focus it on web-related stuff, since that's our community, but hit real-world stuff too. I'd like to avoid all the usual categories covered by all the other lists; would that leave enough interesting stuff for us to cover? We could also have it at some time when the whole list-award-thing is slow, like perhaps at the end of summer.

Anyone got suggestions for categories and stuff? And what would we call our awards?

If nobody's interested, I'll just slip quietly back into the woodwork and brainstorm some other project. So what do you think?

Posted by scrivener at May 15, 2003 12:17 AM


Posted by Ryan on May 15, 2003 9:45 AM:

Heh. I've daydreamed about a HawaiiStories award myself. If only to get a store or restaurant to put a sticker on their window like they do for the Hale `Aina or Best of Honolulu awards.

What categories are left, though? Best Public Restrooms? Worst Attempt at Masquerading as a Legitimate Business? Best Board of Education Blooper?

Posted by Linkmeister on May 15, 2003 10:57 AM:

Best local commercial website? There are surprisingly few, from what I can tell. At least, when I look at Yahoo shopping or something like that for a local address, I rarely see a website link.

Posted by Ryan on May 15, 2003 1:14 PM:

Good thought. There are several local - or local-inspired - e-commerce sites (e808.com, Hawaii Clothing Company, Mele.com), and some are quite excellent.

Sticking with the web theme, we could also have categories like PC Magazine and its "Best of the Web": Informational sites, government sites, sites for kids...

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