After reaching a distance of about two-hundred yards from my home, it dawned on me that I had forgotten to put a paperclip on my paper. Certainly a minor detail, but the kind of detail that some professors allow to annoy them. Not wanting to get on the bad side of the professor, my walk slowed and I asked myself if I wanted to return to the house to get a paperclip. No, I did not.
Once decided, I continued my walk towards the class and considered the chances of another student having an extra paperclip. I was then reminded of one of my favorite meditative thoughts; what I need will come to me. I feel strongly about this thought. After all the wonderful gifts that have presented themselves to me in this life, some at the most miraculous of times, it would be impossible not to have a strong sense that these words hold truth.
I decided to allow a paperclip to present itself to me. I know it must sound silly, but I considered it another opportunity for further discovery. Besides, it wasn’t something big like a car, it was only a paperclip. Anyway…As I continued to walk, I meditated on the thought of what I need will come to me. I envisioned a paperclip.
As much as I wanted to discover a paperclip on the ground during my trek, there was none to be found. As I reached the building and climbed the stairs, I questioned whether my mind had been open enough to receive what I had needed. I turned the corner of the building, and laying outside the door of my classroom was a large shiny paperclip. For a brief moment, it seemed like the paperclip and I had shared a knowing smile.