[ food Category ]
December 12, 2005

Again with the filipino cookies...

Update: Okay, I just had to post this here because I have a suspicion that someone is having a good laugh on behalf of the filipinos, errr cookies that is. While putting together some info for a person that was interested in importing the Filipino cookies, I found the main company that markets the filipino line. Well wouldn't ya know, there are more than just the standard filipinos, and if you follow this link, you'll see what I mean:


Check the 4th and last item that's listed. I was like, OH MY GOD!

I just have to get those and bring them over to the islands. Filipino B** S*****??? Who is thinking up these product names? Read for yourself and you tell me....

Posted by Rowena at December 12, 2005 04:29 AM


Posted by Ryan on December 14, 2005 9:44 AM:

That's hilarious. At least for that other product, they went with "Agujeros (Doughnut Holes)" rather than simply "Balls." Sheesh.

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