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January 18, 2003

Allow me to introduce myself

Aloha! My name is Jason, which is quite obvious. I was born and raised in Honolulu (Salt Lake area) for the first half of my life, then like many other islanders, I moved to the leeward side for our peice of the pie. I've lived all over the island, but I consider Honolulu as my hometown. I graduated from Moanalua in 2001. I moved to Portand, OR on July 18, 2002 on a whim, but I will return back to the islands, as my high hopes were shot down with a bazooka.

I must also mention that there is a city here by the name of Aloha, but it is pronounced, Aloa. It's actually an Indian name. Blah blah blah, I hope to read some interesting stuff, and I will be posting comments periodically.

I stumbled upon this site via Google. I was feeling a little homesick and typed in "hawaii stories" in the search field.

Posted by Keith H. at January 18, 2003 01:36 PM


Posted by Ryan on January 18, 2003 5:23 PM:

Welcome to HawaiiStories, Jason! Any idea when you'll be back in the islands? I, too, feel the tug of the Mainland, but fear I'll never really be able to leave...

Looking forward to reading your comments to threads here, and hopefully regular accounts of your homecoming in your own, personal blog!

Posted by Linkmeister on January 19, 2003 10:54 AM:

I've driven through that town. I didn't stop to investigate why it was named what it was (as I recall, it's not a very big place), but I remember thinking it was odd, but also thinking it must have been part of the out-migration of Hawaiians in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Posted by Madnamo on January 20, 2003 7:59 PM:

Welcome! I'm a newbie here, too! If I only had the time..

Posted by Shingo on March 20, 2003 5:20 PM:

Hey Jason!
Could you expand on "hopes shot down with a bazooka?" Just curious. I too am a replanted "local" living in Northern Europe. You can bet there is NO Hawaiian food here at all, not even good Japanese food. When they think its really good its slightly below mediocre...

Im not a regular here but would like to be, it seems like a fun idea. Do I need to do something to be a regular or do I just keep piping up like this?


Posted by Ryan on March 21, 2003 8:06 AM:

Glad you found us, Shingo! And yes, you're more than welcome to stop by anytime, lurk around, and comment when it strikes you.

If you have a weblog, you can even join to post new discussion topics. And if you don't have a weblog, we can help you there too! Be sure to check out the "About Us" and "Join Us" pages.

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