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February 09, 2003

Sprucing up UH-Manoa

Interesting article in today's Advertiser about efforts underway to improve the general environment at UH-Manoa.

But they've got one thing wrong. The fountain does work! It's a miracle, that thing has been dry for years and years, but finally started dribbling water recently. Helen vaguely recalled what might be an "urban legend" about someone drowning in it. They would have to have been totally smashed to do so because it's very shallow. It's not a very impressive fountain, either, even when working, but nice to see nonetheless.

I'm less impressed with the rather silly and ostentatious "gateway" "monuments" at the crosswalk by the Law Library, doubt it will improve much when it's finally finished. Nice that they restored the similar old "gateway" on University Avenue, though.

Posted by Albert at February 09, 2003 08:09 AM


Posted by helen on February 9, 2003 12:45 PM:

Helen vaguely recalled what might be an "urban legend" about someone drowning in it.

It wasn't a drowning. It was more like a person standing on the fountain, coming back down and then die of some other cause (more like a cursed fountain).

But the story I heard was told to me a long time ago.

Posted by Ryan on February 9, 2003 11:06 PM:

There were parts of campus that should have been condemned, when I was there (not too long ago). On the other hand, a pretty campus isn't worth much without quality instruction and national accreditation. I applaud the grass-roots efforts and contributions to this effort... but looks are only skin deep.

Albert, these gateways... do they have engraved bricks incorporated into them? I remember getting a solicitation to buy one a year ago or so, and ridiculous as it sounded almost considered doing it. Fortunately, reason prevailed. But I wonder if I'd recognize any of the names students will be stomping on for decades to come?

Posted by Albert on February 10, 2003 7:28 AM:

these gateways... do they have engraved bricks incorporated into them?

Yesterday was the first time I've been that way and was able to, at last, walk through the "gateway". I didn't notice any engraved bricks, will check more carefully next time. (It did take them a VERY long time to build that silly nonsense, although nothing close to how long it's taking them to complete the new "reception area" at East-West.)

Posted by Albert on March 1, 2003 9:10 AM:

No engraved bricks at the new gateway, Ryan. I guess you weren't the only one who declined.

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