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October 01, 2002

Locked Docks

Has your family been stocking up on rice and toilet paper? Are you worried about the dockworker lockouts? How do you think the situation will affect you and your family? I'm not too concerned yet, but I certainly hope things are resolved soon.

Maybe I'm missing something, but these guys already make eighty thousand dollars per year. And the more I read about the economic effects of each day's shutdown, the worse things sound. I'm not anti-union, but sometimes I wish unions had more of a concept of the bigger picture.

Posted by windwardskies at October 01, 2002 07:01 PM


Posted by helen on October 1, 2002 8:21 PM:

I just hoarded 36 rolls of toilet paper from Costco today, never mind the fact that all ready had 24 rolls at home.

Right now I am not worried about the lockout. If it's resolved this week then life should be okay.

Posted by Linkmeister on October 2, 2002 10:15 AM:

It's not the money, if you believe the ILWU; it's the technology PMA wants to install which could eliminate existing jobs and/or preclude new ones. It's also about union representation of any new jobs created. PMA opposes that; ILWU demands it.

Posted by lisa on October 2, 2002 11:20 AM:

Unions and democracy.. we'd be worse off without 'em, but you can't keep everyone happy with them either.

Maybe I'm too cynical, but it seems the unions are more concerned with their money and clout than the people they represent.

I really hate it when technology is seen as this big evil because it might "eliminate jobs". Didn't people once say that about PCs- and look how many jobs have been created?

Why can't the unions just offer training to those who may lose their jobs? I'm sure the spiffy new technology is going to need people to run and fix it, and better to adapt now than fight it and lose in the end anyway.

Posted by macpro on October 2, 2002 8:14 PM:

The time to really start worrying about a strike is when we start seeing single rolls of toilet paper being auctioned on E-Bay.

Posted by Linkmeister on October 2, 2002 9:21 PM:


Posted by Linkmeister on October 3, 2002 10:30 AM:

Here's the WashPost take on Hawai'i coping with effects of the strike.

Posted by Albert on October 3, 2002 1:15 PM:

Hey, just grab toilet paper from public sources. :)

Ala Moana Shopping Center not recommended since they've switched to some really cheap single-ply stuff, but UH-Manoa is a good source, as is Ward.

Posted by Vivi on October 3, 2002 4:32 PM:

I've started to use less paper per...erm...bathroom visit. Just to make the roll last longer.

If anything, there's the shower next to the toilet. Now I wish we had a bidet.

Posted by lisa on October 4, 2002 8:51 PM:

LOL! You guys crack me up. Panther, I've found the Neiman Marcus restrooms to be the best public facilities in the state- TP included (they must get a separate supply).

Fortunately my parents will be visiting fromthe mainland in a couple weeks, so if I need emergency supplies I can ask them to pack a "care package" :)

Posted by Linkmeister on October 5, 2002 7:53 AM:

Well, apparently a deal to exempt Hawai'i cargo has been reached.

Anyone want to buy some SPAM?

Posted by Stella on October 8, 2002 1:13 PM:

From MSNBC, an update: Bush Steps In To End Port Lockout

Posted by helen on January 19, 2003 3:07 PM:

Just used up the last of rolls from Costco last night. Granted I live alone, that stock of toilet paper from Costco lasted around 3 and half months.

I guess I will buy some more from Costco at a later date when the remaining 24 rolls are almost gone.

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