website Archives

November 27, 2007

Why do you blog?

Calling all Hawaii bloggers! Marcie wants to hear from you:

"My name is Marcie Stoddard and I am currently a graduate student here at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I am currently working on my masters in communication and am completing my research methodology class. I am conducting a small research to look at user generated content through blogs and what motivates Hawaii residents to blog. If you could answer the following question to the best of your ability and the best of your knowledge. If you like you can also express any background information about yourself.

Why do you blog?

Thank you for your time. If you have any questions you can contact me at"

Posted by Prophet Zarquon at 12:31 PM
September 27, 2007

Hawaii Blog 2.0

When I first launched my blog in July 2000 — truly an eon ago in Internet time — I did so almost reluctantly, apologetically, stepping into the breach of "the weblog fad" that was sweeping through the journaling community. Today, blogs have proven their worth and staying power. As, I'd like to think, have I. I've moved Hawaii Blog to a new site and to a new incarnation. While I know such moves are a hassle for readers and becoming an all-too-common occurrence in the reinvention-happy blogosphere, I dare say I've earned one "update your links!" announcement over the past seven years. Read on...

Posted by Prophet Zarquon at 08:02 AM
February 16, 2007

Connect with Connect Hawaii

Over a year in the making, Connect Hawaii launched today, with an aim to offer "Honolulu's premier social and business networking for professionals." The brainchild of Minoo Elison — event planner, power networker and one-time Republican candidate for the state House — Connect Hawaii is the reincarnation of Dinner Girls and Boys Hawaii, a "dinner club for professionals" founded in 2003. Read on...

Posted by Prophet Zarquon at 02:43 PM
Comments [+]
January 03, 2007

Have Blog, Will Network

Our very own Christa Wittmier (socialite, photographer, blogger, podcaster, and executive headhunter) recently declared that MyBlogLog was her "new most favorite thing. Ever." If you have a weblog, or hungrily devour other blogs, it's definitely worth a look. It appeals to your vanity by offering visitor and link statistics (more detail available with a paid account), and offers your readers a glimpse at the sometimes invisible community that surrounds a site.

Of course, there's a MyBlogLog community for HawaiiStories. Won't you join? And you can find more of my thoughts on MyBlogLog at my blog, HawaiiBlog.

Posted by Prophet Zarquon at 01:42 PM
April 02, 2006

Scrivener's Sudoku

Can't get enough sudoku? You know, the Japanese numbers puzzle? Well, if you thought the game couldn't get any better, check out Scrivener's Sudoku, a new regular feature in the Star-Bulletin and the brainchild of our very own Scrivener (a.k.a. Mitchell K. Dwyer).

It's Sudoku with a local twist... and with local-style difficulty ratings. Is this week's puzzle "Hana Highway," or just "Wilhemena Rise"? Even better, there's an official Scrivener's Sudoku website, where you'll (soon) find archived puzzles, strategies and tips, and even bonus puzzles you won't find anywhere else.
Posted by Prophet Zarquon at 07:58 PM
November 10, 2004

Dumb Questions About Graphics

I'm sure this is written somewhere I'm supposed to have read it, but it's easier just to post here and let you help me out.

Posted by scrivener at 09:39 AM
October 01, 2004

NaNo Turns Six

October brings us into the heart of fall, into a monthlong candy-anticipating froth for youngsters, and into the eve of NaNoWriMo, now in its sixth year. This worldwide exercise in frantic fiction has seized the imaginations of the HawaiiStories `ohana before (last year and the year before)... so who's playing this year?

If you're new to NaNo, read all about it. And this site remains ready and willing to help you share your wild writing works-in-progress with its NaNo-inspired HawaiiStories Fiction department.

Posted by Prophet Zarquon at 04:15 PM
September 25, 2004

We Do This Because We Do This

I haven't done it yet, but I'm going to click on each of the links in the left-hand column of the HawaiiStories mainpage, just to see who's still doing this.

Okay, not JUST to see who's still doing this. I'm doing it, too, because I'm trying to figure out WHY we do this.

Posted by scrivener at 10:14 PM
February 22, 2004

Swap Stuff

Social software sites are everywhere. Friendster,, Orkut... keeping track of them all is practically a full time job. And what good are most of them? Beyond the elusive "business networking" benefit, most are simply goofy ego-boosting fun.


Posted by Prophet Zarquon at 02:43 PM
November 18, 2003

craigslist: honolulu

Woo-hoo! Now there's a craigslist: honolulu. Need I say more? I've been waiting for this to happen for years. That is all.

Posted by Jon at 08:06 AM
July 26, 2003

JournalCon 2003- Hawaii will be represented!

Aloha everybody. Well, I did it. I bought a ticket, booked a room, and registered for JournalCon 2003. I've always wanted to go to Texas, especially after studing the geneaology of the Dalton's (my maiden name), and discovering that most of my daddy's people settled there after their migration from Ireland.

Is anybody else going?

Details here:

Posted by Beth at 03:05 PM
June 24, 2003

Hey Baby, Wanna Network?

HawaiiStories fan and budding blogger Burt turned me on to Ryze a few weeks ago. Meanwhile, bloggers were abuzz with the launch of LinkedIn. Both were compared to Friendster, meanwhile, as well as the UK-centric Ecademy. Of course, I had to try them all.

Each has the same basic idea — fostering networks and making contacts, be they merely social or (ideally, in most cases) professional. It's all about trust, and friends of friends. I can see the promise of real, practical benefits, but so far it's mostly geeky fun.

Then again, my "network" is pretty small. Won't you be my friend?

Posted by Prophet Zarquon at 02:56 PM
June 18, 2003

Hawaiian Fonts

In case anybody wanted some, so that sites using kahako and 'okina can be properly displayed, here is a page with TrueType Hawaiian fonts for both PC and Mac users.

Posted by Hayneyz at 02:18 PM
June 16, 2003

No more bitchy blogs?

"Today, the Council of Europe (an influential quasi-governmental body that drafts conventions and treaties) is to finalize a proposal that would force all Internet news organizations, moderated mailing lists and even web logs (blogs) to allow a right of response to any person or organization they criticize. This would mean that you would be required to post the responses as well as authenticate their origin and make the responses available for some period of time. This will likely have a chilling effect on Internet communication (at least in Europe)."

Posted by Albert at 10:03 AM
June 07, 2003

What about us?

I like the little anti-pixel styled buttons, but I haven't been able to find any Hawaiian-themed ones. So I made some. If you like that style of button, have at them.

Posted by Hayneyz at 10:37 AM
April 19, 2003

"The Dullest Blog in the World"

The Dullest Blog in the World is actually one of the most amusing I've seen.

Posted by Albert at 10:44 AM
April 07, 2003

15 Minutes of Internet Fame

I read other people's journals. Alot. And Sunday, two of the journals I read religiously were featured in a newspaper article in their hometown of New Haven, CT. I thought you guys might like to see what the article had to say about online journals and their creators. Read the article here.

Read the Journal Here:
The Book of Rob - Rob Rummel-Hudson's great journal.
Bobofett - That sassy lass, Dana! (heh)

Would you enjoy your journal being in the limelight? Do you promote your journal? Why, and how? Let's talk shop for a moment, shall we?

Posted by Beth at 02:17 PM
March 20, 2003

Blogs come of age?

There are probably quite a few of them, but I find this "blog" from Baghdad compelling reading, many of his comments being far more emotionally touching than any mainstream news report I hear.

I'd pray for his safety, if I knew anything to pray to.

Posted by Albert at 02:30 PM
March 04, 2003

Blog Publishers Stealing Web Limelight

Decent overview from BizReport.

Posted by Albert at 08:01 AM
February 22, 2003


Well it seems March will be known as the National Novel Editing Month (or Nanoedmo).

Posted by Helen at 08:40 AM
February 04, 2003

A Star is Born

While everyone in Hawai`i's TV Land is watching out for Jordan Segundo on American Idol, we've got our own star right here on the net! Our very own Cheyne is a contestant in Blogwhore 2! Go visit Cheyne and lend your support!

Posted by Paradise Ali at 10:20 PM
January 07, 2003

Know Your Site's Place

Looking to geek out? Check out GeoURL — a younger, simpler cousin of GeoTags. While the web is worldwide, many websites have a place at their heart, a virtual (if not physical) home. Now you can see if your site has neighbors.

Posted by Prophet Zarquon at 10:38 PM
December 06, 2002

Boast About Your Host?

I'm shopping for a virtual host. Who's hosting your site, and how do you feel about the service and value you're getting?

Posted by scrivener at 08:08 PM
October 31, 2002

Ophelia Z

I assume (and hope) Ryan has saved all the Ophelia Z material and think he should make a serious effort to find a publisher (the old fashioned book kine) for it. Not only is it a fine work of fiction, the fact that it was such an enormously successful hoax adds extra newsworthy value.

The Internet Archive has a 1997 web page of mine, The Diary Keepers and I gotta say, Ryan surely did look a lot more glamorous in those days. :) (That photo of the sleepy Jay T remains one of my favorites in web history.)

Posted by Albert at 07:25 AM
August 23, 2002

I wish Brad Pitt would do one

Weblogs of the Stars

Posted by Albert at 08:49 AM
June 24, 2002

Write on Site

I have always wanted to go to one of those expensive writing retreats where everyone with a love for writing gathers and creates and shares and draws inspiration from each other. Well now the joys of the retreat can be found at Reason In A Circle.

This great new site is the creation of Tyd, and was developed for the creative writer in us all. Instead of being asked to write an entire story, each member takes a turn at developing one story. As each member takes their turn in submitting their part, unexpected twists and turns in the plot are sure to happen. Once every member has participated, the story is then complete and a new story is developed.

I love this idea, and I think it is long over-due. It seems like the perfect place to practice writing skills, draw inspiration from others, and to have fun. It will be interesting to follow along as each story takes a life of its own. Check out the site for more details, and don't forget to sign up.

Posted by at 12:48 PM
April 04, 2002

Odd Finds

My hubby and I just spent the last hour browsing around Found Magazine, a gallery of found objects - from grocery lists to Dear John letters to torn up photographs. Totally random, yet also totally engrossing. It reminded us of a strange set of index cards Ryan found near UH one night.

Posted by Scarlett at 11:21 PM
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